Posted in Reviews

Review: Six of Sorrow by Amanda Linsmeier

Six of Sorrow by Amanda Linsmeier

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sixteen years ago, six girls were born and were fated to be best friends. They lived in a town called “Sorrow,” named for a long dead witch no know in town seems to know much about. By their sixteenth birthday, the group has split, but Isabela’s and Reuel remain best friends. When Reuel goes missing, the girls band together to support each other. When Reuel shows back up, something is definitely wrong. Then another of the group goes missing. It all seems to go back to the girls’ mothers and something they did as teenagers. And if the girls are going to survive this crisis, they need to figure out what’s going on and fast.

This was a quick YA read, with a nice supernatural twist. The storyline was pretty straightforward, though I would’ve liked more if an explanation of what the moms did back in the day. But I think we got a fairly good picture. And things were pretty creepy when it came to the problem hitting the girls. I don’t want to elaborate too much, but it’s pretty gruesome, mostly because it’s believable. It feels like it could actually happen. chills

There’s also the normal teen drama thrown in there, which wasn’t too bad. I thought the friendship between all the girls was really sweet, and the fact that they looked out for each other was really endearing. I was rooting for them!

This is a great book for anyone who likes TA mysteries with a little witchy element. It won’t disappoint!

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